I have to wash my hair twice a day, one in the evening, and one in the moring becuase when I wake up, my hair is soaked in oil and during the day, I feel like oil is dripping from my scalp. If I don't do that, my hair gets so oily, people ask me if I just washed my hair! But my ends are so dry it just flies everywhere. I need help. I hate smelling my oily hair everyday and feel like a big lard.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
Most professional lines make a shampoo for oily hair. You should talk to your hairstylist to find one that's perfect for your hair texture. Wash everyday if you need to but with a good shampoo you could go 2 days which is better for the dry ends. As far as that goes, get a trim. A really good product for you ends would be a silk product. Biosilk and CHI both have really good serums you can put on the ends. THey both penatrate the hair shaft and will get your hair back to normal. I wouldn't recommend anything in a spray bottle because you will be spraying the root area too. You need to get trims regularly (6-8 weeks) to help with the dry ends. Hope this helps. You are welcome to e-mail me and tell me a little about your hair and I would be happy to help you find the right shampoo and conditioner.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
i had oily hair and i started to use V05 and it got rid of my oil problem.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
First - get a nice trim to get rid of some of the dead ends. Then go to a beauty supply store and ask them to help you find a really cleansing shampoo. Shampoo thouroughly then condition only on the ends.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
Your washing your hair wrong. Make sure to use a normal hair to oily shampoo to control your natural sebum. Then get out of the shower and put a pea to quarter size drop of conditioner in your hand. Rub your hands together and work the conditioner through the ENDS of your hair. This should work. For extra scalp drying use the blow dryer on your roots.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
i have the same type of problem, trying using the shampoo and conditioner that is right for your hair type. also try not to wash you hair so much. trying conditioning every other and shampooing everyday.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
You are probably so oily BECAUSE you wash your hair so much. Shampoo drys the natural moisture of your scalp. Try and wash only once a day (every other day is better) and use a dry shampoo to soak up excess oil. Bumble and Bumble has some for people with dark hair. Don't condition your scalp either. Condition just the ends.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
I have a few option for you.
Try not to run your hands through your hair as this transfers dirt and oil from your hands to your hair.
When you are in the shower, just shampoo your hair and towel dry and apply a spray leave in conditioner but only to the ends of your hair, this way you can probably determine if the oil is being produced from too much conidtioner or from your body.
Visit your hairdresser and get them to assess your hair type so that you can use the correct shampoo, conditioner and styling products.
There are spray in shampoos available which you leave in for 2 minutes and brush out and it is instantly degreased as it is a powder spray. I have used it and found it to be quite good.
Otherwise if all else fails you should see either your doctor or a dermatolagist/skin specialist to seek further information or get samples/tests done to determine what is causing the excessive oil.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
Yiou need some sort of combination shampoo for a oily to dry. I wold recomend the store Brand garnier fructis Shampoo and conditioner or the profesional line of Biolage would work really well.
Super oily on top, super dry at the end... my hair needs help!?
So continue washing it twice a day, but don't condition the roots/scalp, just the ends.
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