I have been blaming 10 hr days, quick 5 min snack lunch meal, lot of stress on job lately and I am just worn out...am on thyroid medicine and had surgery on ulnar nerve in arm in Oct could cause hair problems but your thinking?? Just began taking some vitamins thinking that may help but I can go all day and not eat but live on coffee and cokes.....thanks for suggestions
Fatigue, hair thinning/dry, wt loss but loss of appetite...due to?
The reason your hair is getting thin is because of an improper diet. You need quality nutrition to feed the hair follicles. Living on coffee and cokes can easily make you feel fatigued. Coffee plays havoc on the body.coca cola is loaded with sugar and that causes a loss of energy. You need to start eating real food. You can talk to your doctor about this but the real problem is bad nutrition. It's easy to make the sandwich and take that with you to work. Grab a yogurt. There's many foods to choose from. It's up to you to make the decision of what you do with your body.
Fatigue, hair thinning/dry, wt loss but loss of appetite...due to?
It looks like your thyroid med levels need to be checked. It's a delicate balance. My mother is on thyroid medicine and they change her levels quite frequently.
Fatigue, hair thinning/dry, wt loss but loss of appetite...due to?
a few days off and a doctor's visit is my suggestion. Sound like your diet is for crap. You need a balanced diet, even some fats. Slow down and enjoy life a bit. You may have all the money in the world one day, but can you spend it from a hospital bed, or worse, a casket?
Fatigue, hair thinning/dry, wt loss but loss of appetite...due to?
Could be job stress, but 10 hrs/day isn't unusual, would have loved to work so few.
You should see the saw-bones and have some blood work done just to be safe.
Fatigue, hair thinning/dry, wt loss but loss of appetite...due to?
Change your diet to balanced one, with lots of vegetables and fruits. Reduce coffee and coke intake.
Give some time for regular exercise.
Meditation is also very good for reducing your stress.
Check your thyroid hormone level as it will be needed more, if you are in stress.
Try to find enjoyable things or hobby in your life.
These all make your life enjoyable.
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