Sunday, July 26, 2009

What type of hair rollers do you use to curl / straighten your hair and how do you dry your roller s

I normally either use magnetic or plastic mesh rollers to set my hair and let it air dry naturally during the day if going out in the evening.

I have often slept in my rollers and use jet set soft sleeping rollers with a net tied over them if i have to attend an appointments during the day

Please note I work from home and prefer to roller set my hair as i have had a nasty experience with perms in the past and find that rollers are the best away to acheive plenty of curls when required

I do not like using heated appliances like hooded dryers, curling irons or hot rollers as i feel that it ruins your hair

What type of hair rollers do you use to curl / straighten your hair and how do you dry your roller sets?

Then wet set your hair and add a Setting Lotion to the wet hair, then roll with the two piece magnetic rollers. That's what I always do.

What type of hair rollers do you use to curl / straighten your hair and how do you dry your roller sets?

If you do not want to use heated appliances then air drying is the only other alternative. When I want a curly natural look I wash my hair, towel dry, and rub paul mitchell's foaming pomade through my hair. Without a comb I finger twirl medium lock of hair and i let it air dry. I learned this from What Not to Wear. It helps to emphasize natural curls without heat. When I want a straight look with body I use big magnetic rollers and set then i wrap my hair clockwise around my head until none is left hanging down and flatten witha comb and tie it down with a head scarf or wrap net for a few hours or right before I take a shower and my hair comes out straight but bouncy

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