Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How can you tell if your hair is dry or damaged?

Dry hair that is not damaged, looks strong and feels strong...

get one hair and put it on a while surface, and it would be better if you have a magnifier... look at the hair, if it has any branches or looks like its cut so its damaged...

Also, you may try to cut it, damaged hair will cut so fast and easy, but strong hair will not cut easily.

Have a nice day

How can you tell if your hair is dry or damaged?

if the ends are split or straggly (like bend in a different direction) or if it's rough.

How can you tell if your hair is dry or damaged?

you can just tell by the feel of it. if your hair feels bristly and kind of straw like, you have dry/damaged hair. also, split ends are another good indicator of dry/damaged hair/

How can you tell if your hair is dry or damaged?

pul out a section of your hair and push up on the strand like you are ratting it if it stays easily your hair is damaged it is a test for the porosity of your hair also you can check the elasticity of your hair !!!

How can you tell if your hair is dry or damaged?

Pull out a strand of hair, wrap your finger around each end and pull a little bit, stretch it out. Healthy hair has elasticity. If it goes back - it's healthy. If it breaks without stretch - it needs moisture. If it stretches and doesn't bounce back and stays stretch out - it needs protein.

How can you tell if your hair is dry or damaged?

you can tell if it is damaged if you have split ends and dry if it feels frizzy and not soft.

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